For those of you who still wander onto this blog, I know, I haven't done a good job of updating. There is one crucial bit of news which I just learned. Our mean scale score for the 7th Grade ELA State Test is a 675. This is well above the state average and is by far THE BEST SCORE in the North Country for schools comparable in size to Ti (we beat just about everyone else, too, though one school that houses a whopping 6 seventh graders, and another that has just 24 managed to squeak by us). While I take much more pride in the deep, critical work you did all year, as is evident in your journals, writing folders, and handbooks, it's fine to celebrate beating the odds on the state test. We did it. WE HACKED THE DRAGON'S HEAD OFF!
You know I must be excited if I used an exclamation point. :)
I hope you are all having a great summer and I look forward to seeing you in--gasp--just a few weeks.
All the Best,
Mr. Lang